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Establishing Ground Rules in Coaching

Importance of Ground Rules

In this session, we explore the significance of setting ground rules and boundaries in coaching relationships.

Clarifying Expectations

Introductory Meeting: At the outset, it's crucial to establish clear expectations or ground rules to maintain focus and mutual understanding. This ensures coaching is tailored to the right individuals who genuinely require it.

Key Ground Rules

  • Confidentiality: All coaching sessions are confidential, fostering an environment of trust and openness where clients feel free to express themselves.
  • Non-judgemental: The coach refrains from passing judgment but rather challenges clients to achieve their goals.
  • Commitment: Both parties demonstrate commitment by following through on agreed actions and ensuring punctuality for scheduled sessions.
  • Communication: Timely and effective communication is essential, ensuring readiness and focus for each meeting.
  • Support: The coach provides encouragement and guidance, empowering clients to make their own decisions.

Professional Boundaries

Maintaining Professionalism: While coaching sessions remain client-centric, they should not become overly formal. The established aims and outcomes serve as guiding principles, with the coach refraining from giving advice or assuming a counselling role.

Referral Guidance

If advice is deemed necessary in specific areas, clients should be directed to appropriate resources:

  • Financial: Citizens Advice Bureau
  • Medical: NHS Direct or GP
  • Bullying and Harassment: HR or relevant management