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Role of a Coaching Agreement


This video will elucidate the significance of a coaching agreement in the coaching process.

Formal vs Informal Agreements

A coaching agreement can be formal or informal, depending on the context, and may be documented or verbalized. However, it's preferable for the agreement to be documented and signed by both the client and the coach.

Key Elements of a Coaching Agreement

  • Scope of Coaching Sessions: Specifies the number, duration, and frequency of sessions, with defined targets.
  • Payment Terms: Includes fees, payment schedules, and policies for missed sessions.
  • Confidentiality: Outlines confidentiality requirements, including note-taking and sharing summaries with management if applicable.
  • Coaching Etiquette: Defines expected behaviors for both coach and client during sessions.
  • Purpose of Coaching: Clarifies that coaching focuses on behavior through questioning, without offering advice.
  • Termination Options: Specifies conditions and procedures for terminating the coaching relationship.

Importance of the Coaching Agreement

The coaching agreement is pivotal in the coaching relationship as it ensures fundamental elements are discussed and understood. It sets expectations, scope, and boundaries for both parties.

Ensuring Success

Discussing and agreeing on the coaching agreement from the outset is crucial for creating a relaxed and honest environment conducive to success.


In summary, the coaching agreement is indispensable in the coaching process. Adhering to its terms is essential for reaping the endless benefits of coaching sessions.