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Importance of Agreeing on Client Records and Progress

Initiation Meeting Agreements

During the initiation meeting, the client and coach will mutually agree on:

  • Duration and Frequency: Timing and frequency of coaching sessions
  • Contact Information: Exchange of contact details
  • Code of Ethics: Adherence to ethical standards
  • Goals and Aims: Objectives for the coaching sessions

A copy of the coaching agreement should be provided to the client, while the coach retains a copy for record-keeping.

Recording Interaction

It's crucial to agree with the client on how interaction records will be managed and stored securely. Consider offering clients the option to:

  • Retain Records: Clients keep all discussion records
  • Coach Storage: Coach stores records securely, in compliance with data protection laws

Providing clients with session notes can enhance their sense of security and ownership over the records.

Reflection Logs

At the end of each coaching session, encourage clients to complete a reflection log. These logs offer various benefits:

  • Tangible Benefit: Clients perceive value from the sessions
  • Future Reference: Logs can be revisited by clients
  • Goal Setting: Supports setting future targets
  • Evidence: Demonstrates session occurrence

Coaches should also maintain personal reflection logs for professional development and review them before subsequent sessions.

Client-Centric Approach

Empower clients to take control of their needs and preferences. All aims, outcomes, and actions should be determined by the client and facilitated by the coach. Agreement on these aspects ensures clients have the opportunity to achieve their goals.


In summary, ensuring the security of client information and aligning with their goal achievement is paramount. Flexibility in catering to individual client needs fosters a positive coaching experience.