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Effective Coaching Techniques

Understanding Client Dynamics

In this session, we delve into the significance of values, behaviours, attitudes, and emotional awareness in the coaching process.

Client Focus

Initiating the Session: Start each coaching session by asking the client what they would like to focus on, thus empowering them to take ownership and guiding the discussion accordingly. Be prepared to revisit unresolved topics from previous sessions to ensure continuity.

Session Preparation

Session Notes: Maintain brief notes from each session to refresh your memory and align with the client's goals for the current session, ensuring effective preparation.

Facilitating Discussion

Questioning Technique: As a coach, employ probing questions to extract information, thoughts, and opinions from the client, guiding but not dictating the conversation. The client retains full control over the discussion content.

Professional Conduct

Value Neutrality: Avoid imposing personal values during coaching sessions, maintaining an approachable and impartial stance to foster a positive and client-centric environment.

Emotional Support

Handling Emotional Content: Acknowledge that coaching may elicit strong emotions and be prepared to provide supportive guidance. Encourage clients to express emotions constructively, facilitating acceptance and progress.

Adapting Techniques

Embracing Failure: Understand that not all coaching techniques will resonate with every individual. Embrace failure as an opportunity for growth and learning, refining your approach based on experience.

Resolving Conflicts

Conflict Management: While coaching, be mindful of personal biases and manage emotions professionally. In cases of irreconcilable conflicts in values or attitudes, termination of the coaching relationship may be necessary.